Monday 6 June 2011

A dead bird in the awning.

Day 18, Thursday, Someren, 19th May.
A dead bird in the awning.
There was a dead bird in the awning this morning. Mousy on e of the 9 cats had left it as a present for us. Dank u Mousy. As bad things come in 3’s, I then fell through one of my 4 deckchairs during breakfast and was then scared by a large caterpillar in the sink. All that nonsense over we decided to hunt for windmills, we had already seen some at the sides of the road, but we wanted to be close up, or even inside. But first, Bob had a bike issue which needed sorting. In Holland most people ride bikes so there must be bike shops everywhere, and there can’t be a better place to sort a bike issue. We needed cheap, so off to Someren centre we went. In the second shop we found the one. Second hand, or 2 hands as they say here it still looked expensive. With a chocolate brown frame, dynamo and Dutch stability we were surprised to find out that the guy in the shop would do it up for Bob for just 55 euro and that we could pick it up on Saturday. Perfect.
Finding windmills and stopping off in cafe’s for frites and beer was fun. It was a still and warm day so perfekt for strolling around and exploring. We found out that one of the windmills would be working on Saturday so are going to take a cycle there, Bob on new wheels then. We found a windmill which you can walk right up to, they are such pretty things, its weird to think that they were purpose built for working really, why can’t all factories look so nice?

We had a bbq in the evening, Bob bought 20 frikkerdellan sausages for 1.99 euro and I made garlic potato’s and pepper kebabs. We also enjoyed Appleflap which I had bought at the stall earlier in the day, I was secretly hoping that Bob wouldn’t like his then I could have two, but before I could look needy it was gobbled.

I spent some more time chatting with Wilma about horses and cats and hot air balloon festivals and old trucks. She is interesting and easy to be around. Evening around the caravan are becoming quite similar now and relaxed so it was nice to be around someone else and hear about other lives. We chatted until the cold air replaced the warm then I went back and played cards and dominoes with bob and we looked at the map.
I hope that Mousy doesn’t bring us another present tonight, for the birds sake more than mine,
Goodnight, x. 

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