Sunday 31 July 2011

First Day at Work.

Day 29, Monday, Concourson Sur Layon, 30th May.

First Day at Work.

We arrived in Concourson Sur Layon on Saturday evening and were told to basically chill out until today, which we did.
We started work at 11am today, cleaning toilets and showers with Sam and Jim, our new neighbours, co-workers and hopefully friends. Then onto the gardening where we helped Peta, a Dutch man who lives on the campsite between April and October every year and has done for the last nine years. Digging and weeding very, very dry soil. The gardening pushed Bob to his limits and with one dig too many he put his back out, so weeding I continued on my own. It felt good to be working, although not sure about repeating the mid day sun heat gardening, so will probably try and do it in the mornings instead. Peta is funny and strange, he works all day although he doesn’t have to and appears to think that everybody should do the same. He also told me that I have a mans name.
The rest of the day we had to ourselves, but with Bob flat out in the awning, there was  no exploring to be done so instead I went to Aldi and had the strangest shopping experience I have had. I was the only shopper and there was no sign of a shop assistant. Walking the isles I felt like I had walkedonto a film set and was going to be chased by zombies at any moment. The only sound in the whole store was my eight bottles of wine chinking away in my trolley, it felt rather eerie. I stood by the checkout for some time before the assistant appeared. The rattled my shopping through in silence, and then I rattled it back to the campsite as fast as I could, still feeling a bit weird.
General caravan cleanliness was what then occupied my afternoon, then a spot of knitting and dinner with Bob over a bottle of wine. I managed to make two curries from dried chickpeas and soya beans which has already fed us twice and will probably feed us twice more. I should be making more meals like that, using up store cupboard ingredients, but I just can’t stay out of the supermarkets, I just love them.
We met a man called Graham while cycling through the campsite later in the evening and he is interested in buying Mini, the bike with small wheels for his wife. I don’t know how I feel about this and must sleep on it. Graham has also probably refereed games of rugby which my dad played in in the 80’s. He now lives in France and his wife watches Coronation Street at 10pm every night.
Sleep I shall on the future of Mini,
Bon Nuit,x.

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