Sunday 31 July 2011

Paris J’Taime

Day 26, Friday, Paris, 27th May.

Paris J’Taime.

Yesterday we drove and drove and drove. Through Holland, then Belgium and into France. With no real plan other than to get to the Loire Valley I was heavily tempted by the road signs to Paris. A place I love. Bob slept from Holland, through Belgium and half an hour into France so when he woke he was surprised that I had decided to head for a municiplal campsite in Paris and that we were actually back in France. A long nine hours after leaving Monster we made it to the outskirts of Paris and pretty much fell into bed after eating some Pizza.

I woke early this morning, excited about getting to the city that stole my heart years ago. Afteracold shower and a visit to the Boulangerie I forced Bob out of bed with a still warm croissant. It appeared that sleeping in pays off as he then jumped into a hot shower.
A half hour walk by the river takes you to the train station, then a twenty minuet train ride takes you to Chatalet, Paris.
We drank expensive coffee, crossed the river at Point Neuf, sipped cheap cider and ate baguette of the year under the Eifel Tower, enjoyed the always glowing light at the Sacre Coure, spotted a Quentin Tarrantino lookalike, walked through the sexy streets which lead to the Moulin Rouge, and then got annoyed that I couldn’t find a bar I visited a few years ago and thought was brilliant. Oh well, the day got better again when a couple we were stopped by for directions to somewhere they could buy flat bread thought we were Parisian!

The thought of having just a few hours in Paris made me a little sad, but there is more to see and not being able to afford butter for baguette of the year earlier in the day we decided that Paris should be re-visited in more wealthy times. So we headed back to the caravan, ate Pomme Noissettes once more, and once more, fell into bed.
Bon nuit Paris, until next time, x.
p.s. I love you.

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