Sunday 22 May 2011

Orange Nowhere.

Day 10, Mecredi, Salle Chimay to France to Salle Chimay, 11th May.
Orange Nowhere.

After a frustrating evening trying to get Orange Everywhere to work , we woke up deciding to take Orange Nowhere back. This meant a long drive back to St Quentin, in France, groan.
Back at the Orange shop we get directed to the other Orange shop in St Quentin Ville. When in St Quentin centre ville it felt an unfriendly place, a feeling we have not yet received n our travels and people were actually laughing at the sight of us in the street? Odd. In the orange shop we were told after much argument that we couldn’t return  Orange Nowhere because, well, no reason really, they just shrugged their shoulders. A very rude man plugged it in and it worked, worked, well of course it did, we were in the orange shop! Flaming angry and showing it we left the shop with orange nowhere still plugged in and got mocked some more on our way back to the car. Au revoir St Quentin, glad to see the back of you.
On the road returning to Salle Chimay, Belgium, we stopped at Aldi, our new favourite haunt to stock up on wine, Bob went in while I used the internet in the car park, which was surprisingly still working, in the car. He returned having ony spent 12 of the 20 euro he went in with, so I sent him back for more, unsure if Belgium was going to offer us 80p wine. He returned again with more wine and once back at the campsite after being over taken by the road raging French quite a few times, gosh, they like to drive fast, Bob produced not only our new wine cella but a bag of Oeufs a chocolat (chocolate eggs), and croissants, strangly something we did not eat in france. Nice one Bob!
We ate left over curry from the night before and moaned about Orange Nowhere as, somewhere between France and Belgium the connection  had disappeared!
I havnt taken 1 photograph today and feel quite strange. Also, absolutely knackered from stress and driving I really want to settle down somewhere for a good few days to laze about in the sun and roll in the grass. The 5 euro a night campsites we had dreamt of are still a dream and I am concerned about the budget. Spending almost triple what I had expected, I think we are going to have to find work pre September when our grape picking job begins?
In bed writing I am drinking wine and eating my oeufs a chocolat. I am going to read Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance until I fall asleep for a very long time,
Bon buit, x.
p.s. don’t buy into Orange Nowhere.

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