Sunday 22 May 2011

Sleepy Sunday.

Day 7, Demanch, Long to Bertangles, 8th May.
Sleepy Sunday.

This morning was moving day! After s night of knitting under le lune on a quite out of character, buzzing campsite while Bob snoozed inside the caravan, I was raring to get moving and my sights were set on Amiens. The two road journey was short and stunning. On entry to Amien from the road, Notre Dame Cathedral towered miles above every other building and just the outline of the place was recognisable and statuesque in a staggering manner. We followed the signs to the campsite through the bustling an alive town. The campsite was expensive at 20 euro a night so we headed to a cheaper site in Bertangles. Back up the hill and quite a few miles out of Amiens lay the rural campsite cosied in beside Le Chateaux Bertangles. 

Behind closed gates the chateaux in enticing and unreachable. Apparently there are tours every day except Sunday. So a view from the gates it was. We had decided to have some lunch and a wander around the local area. I had noticed a Cafe Tabac at the end of Rue de Chateaux (our new address) and thought they might have Wifi. It was closed and there wasn’t much else apart from a pond, a bus stop and a closed church. Its Sunday! But at east the bus stop told us thay we needed to take the number 50 to Amiens and they left, Lundi – Samedi (mon-sat) at ten to the hour. Great! We can get the bus in tomorrow.

I decided to start to knit something new today as I have a giant ball of wool looking at me every time I open the seat in the caravan to make the bed and put it away . So I settled outside with my giant ball of wool and a pot of tea. About 2 rows in the wind picked up and blew my flowers off the table and fat, slow raindrops started hitting me like blobs of gloom. The campers around us began rolling out little roofs from their campers (all aged about 65+) whilst I snapped deck chairs shut and hid them under the table from the rain. Knitting pattern and I now safe from a soaking joined Bob in the caravan, where it seemed he was oblivious to the now pouring rain tapping on the caravan roof. A lazy afternoon was spent knitting and reading about Amiens. I feel very excited about going and am awaiting the 9.50am bus anxiously already. I just hope that the bus is as traditional as is the village.
Bob Nuit, x.  

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