Thursday 19 May 2011

This is our home now.

Day 1, Lundi, Calais to Audinghen, 2nd May.
This is our home now.
The drive from Calais was un-expectantly beautiful. The sun rose red as we drove along the coatal road, and although the silhouettes were industrial they still made me sigh with happiness. This is our home now.
Driving through petite villages with red roofs, past milky white cows grazing in the fields and out of date signs for farmers markets, I even managed to translate a diversion ‘divertir’ sign and follow it, and it was just after 6am (5am pre france), Im beginning to feel French.
As the light grew, the small towns started to emerge from the really green and vast amounts of grass, and then......Wowzers! What is THAT? A cylinder shaped building just appeared out of nowhere with the word ‘Musee’ wrapped around it in massive letters.

Dazed and amazed we drove past. I decided at the next village to turn around, probably the wrong way around but it was very early and no one was about, apart from a dog walker, avec Chien and they didn’t see me. Finding out that there was a campsite right next to the cylindrical muse was like a tiny dream come true. As it was only 7am by this point Bob decided to make some tea while I ate carrot sticks and humous bought from Morrisons in London the day before. Before the tea was made a home (man) appeared and said we could get in and camp early, yey! Francais is brill. After 40 winks (4 hours) in the caravan we spent the day lazing on the campsite which is like a village all of its own, the boulangerie (baker) even comes on wheels every morning between 9 and 9.30. There are many permanent carvavans here, all with their own personalities, done up like a miniature village, hanging baskets, rabbit cages, door numbers on every plot, we live at number 52. Number 52 is secluded by a high hedge surrounding our new fibre glass and canvas home, we have curtains, blankets on the lawn and 2 bicycles. This feels nice, Bon nuit, x.

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